Whenever someone calls 911 in regards to a domestic abuse South Carolina's CDV laws and procedures immediately come into play.
Even if the caller hangs up, or later asks 911 to disregard their call, the police or Sheriff's Department will respond to investigate the circumstances surrounding the call. Once there because CDV is considered a "zero tolerance" case by most agencies the police will make an arrest even if there is only a minimal amount of evidence.
Because South Carolina's CDV law is written to be very broad the police are allowed to arrest defendants even in situations where there is no physical injury. Many times the actual 911 caller will find themselves arrested for CDV. All cases will be referred to the Court for prosecution.
If you or a loved one has been charged with CDV contact the Domestic Violence Attorney at the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC, for legal representation. Initial appointments are set on a no-cost and confidential basis by calling
1-888-301-6004. Appointments are held at our office located at 316 South Lake Drive in downtown Lexington.

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