Often times after the police respond to reported CDV and make an arrest the alleged victim wants to seek to have the charged dropped. The one arrested may not have been the only one involved in the domestic dispute, and the possibility of them losing their job due to a criminal conviction will create a severe penalty to the family.
Because all CDV cases are brought by the State the alleged victim does not have the authority to dismiss one. All counties in South Carolina are under a general no drop policy that prevent the police or prosecution from simply dropping or refusing to prosecute any domestic violence arrests.
This policy can result in jail time, fines, criminal convictions and the loss of employment for the one arrested for CDV. If you or a loved one has been arrested for criminal domestic violence in South Carolina contact the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC. We represent clients charged with all levels of CDV in South Carolina. To schedule your initial appointment call our 24/hr call center at

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