The answer to whether or not a woman can be arrested for domestic violence in South Carolina can be summed up in one word. Yes.
South Carolina's CDV law makes no distinction between men or woman. Women, even those that are older or may be pregnant, can be arrested and prosecuted for CDV.
We regularly represent women charged with criminal domestic violence. Often times our female clients will have had no prior experience with the criminal justice and they were devastated with having to face the prospect of an arrest and prosecution.
We have discovered that successful representation of women charged with CDV requires special attention to the details of their case and an understanding of all of the dynamics involved in their relationship. A thorough preparation can frequently result in an outcome far more favorable than a domestic violence conviction and accompanying jail sentence.
If you are a woman and have been charged with CDV contact the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC, to learn how we may be able to help you.

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